Chicago, United States of America
Garfield Park Conservatory

Come experience the garden in the city.

Even if you aren’t a nature lover, you will surely appreciate the painstaking care put into the conception of the delicate landscape in the Garfield Park Conservatory. One of the largest greenhouse conservatories in the United States, it’s often referred to simply as ‘landscape art under glass.’ In truth, no words can fully capture the visual harmony of the conservatory, and its refreshing effect upon the eyes. Ironically, the arrangement of plants and foliage within the conservatory is not natural, having been conceived and planned by visionary architects. The naturalistic concept of the landscapes housed under glass was revolutionary in its time, creating urban forests that were delicately shielded from the sun’s harsh glares by glittering glass panels, which are in themselves a work of art. The simple yet strong outline of the greenhouse structure, meant to imitate the ubiquitous haystacks often found in the Midwest, represent the collusion of engineers, landscape architects, artisans and sculptors. It’s the perfect representation of the marriage between science and art. Over thousands of plant species are on display within the approximately two acres of the conservatory, spanning a range of tropical flora and fauna not native to Chicago. If you wish to escape the hustle of city life for awhile, there’s no better shelter than the Garfield Park Conservatory.

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Tips Before You Go
The best part of this attraction? Entrance is completely free. It’s a warm space on a cold winter day, and in the summer they also offer outdoor exhibitions. Do be warned that restrooms are only located at either side of the front entrance, and not within the conservatory itself.
300 N Central Park Ave, Chicago, IL 60624, USA