Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fortabat Art Collection (Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze De Fortabat)

Home to one of the most important private collections in the country.

Opened to the public in 2008, the Coleccion de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat is Amalia Lacrosse de Fortabat’s private collection. She was Argentina’s richest and most powerful woman, who shot to fame immediately after her scandalous marriage to a cement tycoon. Upon his death, she expanded his business and amassed an impressive collection of art, ranging from Argentinian artists from the 19th century to the present, and more diverse mediums of art from different countries and periods.

The building is impressive in itself, having been designed by renowned Uruguayan architect, Rafael Vinõly. It is a marvel of steel, glass and concrete, the last of which is particularly apt when concerning Fortabat’s central role in the cement industry in Argentina. As you approach the collections, keep an eye out for works by Antonio Berni and Raúl Soldi, as well as Warhol’s fascinating depiction of the patroness in the Family Gallery, which features portraits of the Fortabat family. The International Art section also houses one of the few oil paintings by J.M.W. Turner still in private hands, Juliet and her nurse. One of the most mesmerizing features of the museum is its arched roof, allowing for the aluminium awnings to open and close with the sun’s position, giving you a fantastic view of the northernmost dock in Puerto Madero. Your trip to Buenos Aires can only be enriched as you step into this museum.

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Tips Before You Go
The museum is closed on Mondays, and open only from midday to evening. Do check the hours before visiting. Guided tours can be booked in advance.
Olga Cossettini 141, C1107CCC CABA, Argentina