Rhodes, Greece
Feraklos Castle

A ruined medieval fortress that sits atop an 85m hill!

The Feraklos Castle, also known as Feraklou or Feraklenon Castle, is the ruins of a medieval fortress that sits atop a 85 metre high hill that dominates the village of Haraki at the east side of Rhodes Island in Greece. The fortress was constructed during the Byzantine era and was conquered by the Knights Hospitaller in 1306. By 1408, the castle was in ruins but was reconstructed under the Grand Masters Pierre d’Aubusson and Giovanni Battista as a tactical base to defend the area and watch over the Charaki and Agia anchorages. It was again captured by the Ottoman Empire in 1523 though they did not use it and since then, the castle had been abandoned.

The fortress spans an area of 1700 square metres and features a single gate and two cylindrical towers which can be found standing till today, along with a cistern on the inside. Embark on a half hour trek up to the castle where you will be surrounded by great views, both whilst climbing and upon arrival. Take in uninterrupted views of Agathi Beach and the village Haraki.

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Tips Before You Go
When accompanied by the sweltering heat, the climb up becomes rather strenuous. Therefore, do start climbing up in the morning where it is much cooler.
Charaki 851 02, Greece