El Dorado County, United States of America
Fannette Island

The mysterious island that rests on the west of Lake Tahoe.

Over the past century this quaint island has been known by many names – Coquette, Baranoff, Dead Man’s, and even Hermit’s. But one name stuck, that of Fannette Island. Resting within Emerald Bay, this island is the only one in Lake Tahoe. From 1863-1873, this island was home to Captain Dick "Them's my toes" Barter. The caretaker earned this bizarre nickname because he amputated his toes by himself, after they developed gangrene due to the freezing cold water, and then showed off his toes in a small jewellery box, saying “them’s my toes”. He even built his own tomb and accompanying chapel for him to be buried in. It is said that to this day, the island is haunted by the ghost of the Captain. Whether you are a cynic or a believer, come and experience the fascinating story of this intriguing island for yourself.

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Fannette Island, California 96150, USA