Buenos Aires, Argentina
Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos ex Esma

A former detention centre now used as a space for the promotion of human rights.

Osmar Valdebenito (WMAR) / Wikimedia Commons

The former Higher School of Mechanics of the Navy (abbreviated ESMA in Spanish) stands as a testament to human rights violations and was thus transformed into a Space for the Memory, Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos for short) in 2004, according to the law passed by the National Congress. The museum stands as a solemn reminder for the atrocities committed by the military dictatorship in 1976-1983 in Argentina. The school itself was converted into a secret detention centre for political prisoners, where over 5,000 were sent to and tortured after being kidnapped. Only 150 or so made it out alive.

The Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos is a quiet place for the history lover to visit, with sprawling buildings that require hours to traverse and fully experience. In addition to the main exhibits, there is a separate exhibition that focuses on the commemoration of the members of the Argentine Navy who fought in the Falklands War of 1982. This exhibit is known to be better-staffed and more accessible for those who do not speak Spanish. So head down for a intriguing lesson into Argentina’s history, and remember all those who suffered and lost their lives to provide future generations with a better tomorrow.

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Tips Before You Go
Though information in English is available, the museum may be difficult to navigate for non-Spanish speakers. The museum offers guided tours in English on certain days, but it is best to email them beforehand to enquire.
Av. del Libertador 8151, C1429BNC CABA, Argentina