Gloppen, Norway
Eidfossen Waterfall (Gloppenelva River)

More than just a tourist spot, Eidsfossen is the world’s highest salmon stairs.

Eidsfossen’s power and ferocity is not to be messed with. It sure does pack a punch; one glance at the waterfall and you’ll come to realise how strong the water flows here. This, however, lends it to become a major attraction for visitors as the sheer fall of the water results in multiple sprays, which subsequently allows for beautiful yet bold rainbows to arch just downstream of the waterfall’s main drop.

Of course, the Eidsfossen, with a cumulative height of 33 metres, attracts scores of visitors due to its reputation as the world’s highest salmon stairs. Salmons travel a total distance of 230 metres up the Eidsfossen during migration season, an astounding feat considering the strength of the falls. This obviously makes the waterfalls a target for salmon catchers, with the heaviest known catch recorded along this stretch being a sheer 26 kg.

Be it to just gaze at the Eidsfossen or to watch salmon attempt to conquer this untamed beast of a waterfall, the waterfall is certainly more than an ordinary tourist spot.

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Tips Before You Go
Another beautiful waterfall close to Eidsfossen is Holvikfossen, which is some 20 minutes away.
6823 Gloppen, Norway