Northeastern Region, Iceland

Dettifoss may sound cute for a waterfall, but it really isn’t. This one’s a mammoth.

Dettifoss sounds like the sort of name you’d give to a beloved pet. But this is not cute in the slightest. This is after all, THE Dettifoss, a large waterfall beyond the likes you’ve ever seen before. And it is absolutely gargantuan. How such a grand-scale waterfall even came to be is a mind-boggling thought. Dettifoss, which roughly means “The Collapsing Waterfall”, is the most powerful waterfall in the whole of Europe, with about 96,500 gallons of water plummeting 45 metres every second. If you still think this isn’t huge, wait until we put it into perspective for you. The Statue of Liberty is also around this height, if measured from her feet to her torch. That’s how big this waterfall is. The very sound of the Dettifoss diving into and shattering on the rocky canyon is enough to overwhelm you. It is a reminder that next to the forces of Nature, we are but little ants.

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Tips Before You Go
Dettifoss is rather close Selfoss, another beautiful waterfall that’s not too far away. It would be best if you just set aside an entire day to see these waterfalls since they are in such close proximity. Hiking trails are also available for the more adventurous ones, but we recommend that you only attempt them if you are properly geared up and physically conditioned. Remember to wear a poncho or raincoat as well if you want to stay dry. The spray of water when the waterfall crashes will definitely end up leaving you soaking wet.
Dettifoss, Iceland