California, United States of America
Death Valley National Park

Despite its name, the Death Valley National Park is teeming with life.

Being the hottest, driest and lowest national park in the United States, visitors can expect only extremities at the Death Valley National Park. Summer temperatures can rise above 49 degrees Celsius, and while the Badwater Basin is 86 metres below sea level, the Telescope Peak stands at an astonishing 3,368 metres above sea level.

One of the more interesting attractions within the park is the Teakettle Junction, where visitors can see teakettles hanging on a street sign seemingly in the middle of nowhere. It is said that these were put there in the past to show early settlers that there was water nearby. But today, visitors are free to hang their own teakettles here and inscribe messages on them. It is said doing so will bring travellers good luck. This is definitely an interesting place to visit and you should not miss it out!

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Tips Before You Go
Most of the park’s visitors tend to come between late fall and early spring, in order to take advantage of the cooler temperatures. Regardless of when you come however, always make sure to bring sufficient water with you. A hat and sunglasses are optional, but definitely remember to put on some sunblock!
Death Valley, CA, USA