Dazaifu, Japan
Dazaifu Tenmangu (太宰府天満宮)

One of the most important Tenmangu shrines throughout Japan.

Tenmangu shrines are dedicated to the spirit of Sugawara Michizane (845 – 903), a poet and politician during the Heian period of Japan. The Dazaifu Tenmangu shrine in Fukuoka is built over his grave, and thus functions as the main shrine of the deified form of Michizane, the Tenjin. This large shrine measures about 250 metres from one point to the other.

One of the highlights of this shrine is the beautiful pond, which is built in the shape of the Japanese character for “heart”. It also has two bridges representing the past, present and future connecting the paths across the pond. Besides that, the shrine’s grounds also house the Dazaifu Tenmangu Museum, which displays many of the shrine’s treasures. You will also notice that there are a large number of plum trees growing on this site — 6000 to be exact. It is said that Michizane loved plum trees, and as such, these trees were grown in his honour.

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Tips Before You Go
The shrine gets extremely busy during the exam period, as students visit the shrine to pray for good luck. Don’t forget to try the specialty rice cakes sold in the shops near the shrine. These are unique to this part of Japan and cannot be found anywhere else.
4-7-7 Saifu, Dazaifu-shi, Fukuoka-ken 818-0117