California, United States of America
Dante’s View

Viewpoint over Death Valley.

Dante’s View is an elevated viewpoint located inside the Death Valley National Park. At 1,669 metres above sea level, the road to the viewpoint can be rather steep, but visitors are promised the best views over the southern half of the national park if they make it to the top. The bottom of the road is actually below sea level, making this one of the few places where people can drive from below sea level and end up at almost 1,700 metres above it in one go! Although Death Valley is known for its notoriously hot weather, Dante’s View is often cooler than the lands beneath. However, it is still better to visit during the cooler morning hours, when the sun is in the east.

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Tips Before You Go
Make sure to bring along sufficient water because it can get unimaginably hot in Death Valley. Wear breathable clothes too, and bring plenty of food to sustain you throughout. It is advised that you also bring along a map, or at least download one onto your phone because there is no internet reception here.
Dantes View, California, USA