Queensland, Australia
Daintree Rainforest

Step into the past at the oldest tropical rainforest in the world.

While this is a botanist's absolute haven, being an avid lover of the environment is definitely not a criterion; age and interest become insignificant when you're looking at a species that has retained primitive characteristics as old as 100 million years. The Daintree Rainforest is home to 12 families of primitive flowering plants. To put that in perspective, there's a mere total of 19 found around the entire globe, making this the rainforest that has the highest concentration of these plants. With so much natural beauty to explore, it's no wonder that the rainforest was granted a place on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1988.

Covering the entirety of the 1200 square kilometers in a single trip might be impossible, but you can enjoy guided walking tours that will take you past ancient plants that were some of the earliest land plants, including the whisk ferns and tassel ferns. There are also the ancient conifers that have been around since the Jurassic-age. Think of it as dinosaurs - but in tree form. Here’s another concept: a rainforest that leads out to a sandy beach… Is it possible? Well, that’s what you can find here, along with the rare phenomena of fringing coral reefs offshore of the beaches. Keep an eye out for the endangered southern cassowary and Bennett's tree-kangaroo who make up a minuscule part of the diversity here. Gorges, meandering rivers, and verdant greenery; truly an unforgettable experience!

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Tips Before You Go
You can head to the Canopy Tower to get wonderful views of the rainforest canopy and try the Aerial Walkway to access the mid-level of the rainforest.
Daintree Rainforest, 2333 Cape Tribulation Rd, Cape Tribulation QLD 4873, Australia