Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Cu Chi Tunnels

A display of the astonishing tenacity and creativity of the Vietnamese.

Arguably the North Vietnamese’ greatest asset during the Vietnam War, the Cu Chi tunnels are stunning evidence of the Northern Vietnamese troops’ tenacity and dogged determination. The extensive network of underground tunnels and rooms were all dug by hand, using very simple tools, yet extends through most of Vietnam all the way to the border of Cambodia. The tunnels were used to house and transport troops and supplies quickly and stealthily, allowing the North Vietnamese to deter the American military effort against them. Yet, conditions in the tunnels were morbid, and it is not hard to see why once you enter these tunnels.

When American forces started bombing Vietnam, the tunnels became a refuge for villagers and civilians, in addition to the soldiers’ key to their fearsome guerrilla tactics. They eventually expanded to house underground villages, hospitals and schools – children would be born into the dark tunnels, receiving their education and living their lives there until the end of the war. Spaces for theatres and performance halls were created as well, to help boost morale in the huge underground community.

Today, you can crawl through the remaining safe tunnels and experience the harrowing lives of the people during the Vietnam war, as well as admire their innovation in creating a sense of normalcy and communal life even as they were being attacked from above.

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Tips Before You Go
As tunnels are extremely small and squeezy, visitors with claustrophobia or breathing difficulties are discouraged from exploring the tunnels.
Đường tỉnh lộ 15, Phú Mỹ Hưng, Củ Chi, Hồ Chí Minh 733814, Vietnam