Dinant, Belgium
Citadel of Dinant

A historic fortress towering over Dinant city in Belgium.

The Citadel of Dinant or Citadelle de Dinant in French, is a fortress situated in the city of Dinant in Namur, Belgium. This citadel, along with Liege, Namur and Huy form a collective of citadels known as the Meuse Citadels. The current building was constructed in 1815 over a site which was initially fortified in back in 1015, when the area still came under the rule by the Prince-Bishopric of Liege. The citadel today towers over Dinant and offers stunning views of both the city and the Meuse River which runs through the town, making the trip up certainly worth it. Depending on your level of fitness, the rewarding view at the top of the citadel can be reached by a flight of steps, all 408 of them, or by a cable car. With plenty of activities for you to participate in while you are at the citadel, be it surveying the exhibition available or signing up for a guided tour to give you a more profound understanding of the citadel and its past, there is simply much for you to explore, discover and learn and a mere 1 to 2 hours just isn’t enough!

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Tips Before You Go
Climb to the top for a good view overlooking the entire city of Dinant. As for the aforementioned guided tours, the budget conscious travelers out there will be delighted to know that they are offered by the citadel without any additional charges.
Place Reine Astrid 3, 5500 Dinant, Belgium