Lucerne, Switzerland
Church of St. Leodegar

Architecture acts as a window to the past, shedding light on the history of Swiss society.

From almost everywhere in Lucerne two distinct, exceptionally pointy spires, stretching far higher than any of their neighbours, will undoubtedly catch your eye. So follow the path straight to the source and see for yourself that the peculiar spires are only a taste of the magnificent architecture of the Church of St. Leodegar. Wide stairs welcome you with open arms to this court church, although the two imposing towers stand guard on either side of the arched entrance way. The church sports a clean style somewhat more humble than the Jesuit Church, but an altar on par with the most extravagant imaginable, vividly bold colours depicting biblical scenes and resplendent gilding in a shade of gold so rich it’s worthy of Midas himself. Comprising half ornately carved wooden pews and half simple, modest wooden benches, the seating in the church is telling of the clear divide between the wealthy and the common people who worshipped here in days gone by. Don’t miss the plaque displayed on one of the pillars, honouring the affluent Ludwig Pfyffer von Altishofen, a 17th-century Swiss mercenary whose lengthy name is proportionate to his endless list of contributions to the rise of Jesuism here in Lucerne!

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Tips Before You Go
The organ playing at the church is well-regarded as being especially impressive, so aim to make it for one of the services to hear for yourself. The lovely water fountain outside spouts the freshest, purest, spring water from the surrounding countrysides, so get a taste for yourself and fill your bottles to the brim with this gift of nature.
St. Leodegarstrasse 6, 6006 Luzern, Switzerland