Chefchaouen, Morocco
Chefchaouen Ras Elma

Watch how the local women go about their daily chores at this small-town waterfall of Ras Elma.

The quaint little town of Chefchaouen has no shortage of attractions. While it is mostly known for its many mosques and countless rows of blue houses, the town also boasts a natural attraction. Known as Ras Elma, this scenic waterfall is roughly only 30 minutes away from the town, assuming you don’t make constant stops to chat with the locals going about their business or stop to admire the sights. The waterfall leads to a freshwater river, with all the water originating from somewhere up in the hills. Local women can usually be seen at the river here, doing their laundry, day in and day out. Since the river is an important place for the locals, we’d advise you not to answer nature’s call right here, but instead find somewhere else more suitable if the need arises. While the waterfall is a great place to take photographs, perhaps it’d be better to strike up conversations with the locals here. After all, you’ll be able to learn a lot more about their way of life, and that is the most valuable takeaway you can get from travelling.

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Tips Before You Go
If you want to take photos of the city from here, then perhaps you might want to check out an abandoned Spanish mosque that is situated atop a hill. This is often used by people who want to get a good vantage point.
Chefchaouen Ras Elma, Rue Aljanah Al Akhdar, Chefchaouen, Morocco