Moscow, Russia
Cathedral of the Annunciation, Moscow

A Russian Orthodox church dedicated to the Annunciation of the Theotokos.

The Cathedral of the Annunciation is a church built in 1484-1489, located in the southwest side of Cathedral Square in Moscow. Generations of Tsars and princes have altered and added to the design of the cathedral. For example, Ivan the Terrible (1533 – 1547) had to build a new porch specifically for himself because he was not allowed to enter through the main entrance, as he had remarried more times than the Orthodox Church would tolerate.

Since 1918, the church has been closed as a place of worship and now operates as a museum. Highlights of this church include the magnificent artwork and paintings depicting Biblical themes, as well as Russian royalty. One should also not miss out on the impressive iconostasis, the wall of icons and paintings that separate the nave from the sanctuary.

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Tips Before You Go
Photography isn’t permitted inside, but you are more than welcome to take photos of the marvellous architecture. Pay special attention to the iconostasis, as its gold ornamentation actually illuminates a whole section of the building. Its beauty is otherworldly, and some might even call it a miracle.
Moscow, Russia, 103073