Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Candelária Church

Seated between the sea and the city is the Lady of Candelaria shining light on all.

Halleypo / Wikimedia Commons

According to an old wife’s tale, the first church to be built in Rio de Janeiro began as a small chapel. It was built brick by brick, wooden boards nailed together, by a couple in gratitude for surviving a shipwreck. They dedicated it to the Virgin of Candelaria, and from there the chapel grew and was developed till it became the Candelaria Church we see by the edge of Rio.

This is the tale we see painted out panel for panel within the Candelaria Church. Whether the paintings hold true is a point of contention but this is Rio de Jainero’s first church to be constructed. While it dates back to 1630, only the interior was preserved since then with the current façade dating back to a little more than a century ago. Located by the edge of the city and the bay, Candelaria church is unmistakable. Every pillar and niche is ornately decorated by stone statues and marble carvings. The dome is limestone and is covered by a dozen stories painted on, frescoes reflecting a mirage of the Virgin Mary and her virtues: Prudence, Charity, Faith, Hope, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude. These additions travelled across borders from Portugal, Italy and Germany to create the splendor of Candelaria. An oil painting of intricate detail that has peeled off the canvas into reality, Candelaria Church is an artistic marvel.

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Tips Before You Go
Every July 23 special masses and remembrance services are held in the Candelaria Church. These are memorials which serve as an apology to and reminder of the massacre that occurred in 1993 where about 50 street children were shot at by the police while they slept at the foot of the church. 8 children died that day on site while 3 more died during later confrontations. These masses are hoped to send a message of peace against violence towards children.
Praça Pio X, s/n - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20040-020, Brazil