Ballachulish, Scotland
Buachaille Etive Mor

Looking as if it belongs to the medieval time of knights, dragons, Buachaille Etive Mor is magnificence at its best.

A common resident of Scotland’s landscape, Buachaille Etive Mor is one of the most popular mountains in Scotland. Often said to resemble a pyramid, the Nordic mountain looms over the many, unassuming civilians who dare head towards it, taking up the challenge to reach the summit.

Known simply as just Buachaille by the locals, the mountain offers different routes, up the 1021 metre tall mountain. Buachaille offers you magnificent views over Scotland’s mountainous region. A common route, start from the A82, the parking area nearby, and head up for your climbing adventure! Many Stobs (or stops) await you, the first being Stob Dearg, followed by Stob na Doire, Stob Coire Altrium and finally, Stob na Broige. Each one a good check point to see how much you’ve conquered, continue on your journey, making sure to get through each Stob. Taking you approximately 7 hours to complete this climb, Buachaille is definitely not your everyday climb, not suited for those just looking for a leisurely trek. Once you reach the summit, take in the wondrous views and mountainous altitude of fog and fluffy clouds, which might have clouded your vision (pun intended) during your journey, but now a cool and refreshing blanket. If climbing is not your thing, do opt to head over to the base of the mountain for landscape photography, Buachaille, the perfect addition to the glorious golden hues emitted from the sun, offers a brilliant photo at sundown. A magnificent experience, be it climbing or just for sight-seeing, Buachaille offers an unforgettable experience for all.

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Tips Before You Go
When climbing at Buachaille, do take note of the weather conditions as each different element of nature (wind, snow, rain, fog) adds a different difficulty to your climb. Be careful when climbing during winter, as the snow-capped mountain is slippery and harder to climb. Climbs done here at best done during the dry seasons where you will enjoy a stable and firm footing as you ascend.
Buachaille Etive Mor, Ballachulish PH49 4HY, UK