Brekkuskógur, Iceland
Bruarfoss Waterfall

Painted into the rocky, grey landscape are icy blue waters swirled with harsh white, the ethereal image of Bruarfoss more myth than reality.

The path to the mythical waters of Bruarfoss can be likened to searching for the pot of gold over the rainbow. Armed with a vague set of directions and a somewhat helpful suggestion to follow the sound of water colliding against rock, most travelers are understandably frustrated at the isolated site of Bruarfoss. Yet the charm of any treasure is in the journey so make your way through waist high brambles and gurgling streams to be rewarded by the enchantment hanging over Bruarfoss.

The sight of water tumbling over a lip of rocks, rapids forming patterns of foam that resemble clouds painted into the water are unbelievable. Rocky ledges lead you to the steep banks of the fall where you can feel the cool mist collecting at the edges of your lashes. Avid photographers often can’t find it in themselves to leave as they attempt to reflect the impossible blue of the fall’s waters within two dimensional pixels. One could spend an entire day in wait for that single perfect shot. As one of the most unknown falls in Iceland, so secluded that even locals fail to recognize it, Bruarfoss is truly that mystical pot of gold travelers chase after.

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Tips Before You Go
Do read up well on the directions to Bruarfoss. There are no signs or trails leading to the falls, leaving you to go by natural landmarks in the wild terrain. Thankfully, there are plenty of videos to be found on how to walk from the common parking spots till the waterfall. Even if you do find yourself lost, do look out for locals walking back out to the main roads as they should be able to direct you. Once at the waterfall, it’s said that the best photographers are captured from a rocky ledge beneath the bridge to capture the full grandeur of the curved lip of the waterfall and the rapids beneath.
Brekkuskógur, Iceland