Marseille, France
Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde

A holy guard lies atop the highest point in Marseille.

Atop the highest point of La Garde in Marseille rests the Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde, a Catholic basilica that is a sight to behold. Crafted in the Romano-Byzantine architectural style, the basilica is laden with colored marble, mosaics and murals. As the trek up the 162m hill can be rather strenuous, you can choose to take tourist trains to the church instead. These tourist trains depart from the Vieux Port.

This spot is a popular pilgrimage site on Assumption Day (August 15th), whereby many Catholics come to pay their respects. Undoubtedly, the crowning glory of the structure is the statue of the Virgin Mary on top of the church bell tower, who locals fondly refer to as "la bonne mere", or "good mother", as she watches over their city indefinitely like a mother watches over her child.

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Tips Before You Go
If you plan on trekking up the hill, make sure to bring along some water with you and be prepared, as the climb is rather strenuous and when coupled with the heat, it can be very exhausting for some people. In fact, the church is at its most crowded during the midday and afternoon, so come early in the morning or in the evening to beat the crowds and the heat.
Rue Fort du Sanctuaire, 13281 Marseille, France