Rome, Italy
Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls (Basilica Papale San Paolo fuori le Mura)

Therein lies St. Paul.

Massive in every way, its very halls make you want to shout out loud just to hear an echo. The building you see today is largely reconstructed work after a fire in 1823, but it still retains much of the original design. Lovers of religious history should check out the portraits of every past Pope since St. Peter, that line the central hall. Be sure to leave a prayer with St. Paul, as this is where his body was laid to rest.

One of the highlights of your trip here would be the impressive apse mosaic by Pietro Cavallini as well as the tabernacle and cloisters. Do set aside 1-2 hours on your itinerary to fully appreciate what the Basilica Papale San Paolo fuori le Mura has to offer. And most importantly, pay attention to the amount of space left on the walls, as it is said that when there is no longer room for more, the world will come to an end.

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Tips Before You Go
As this is still a church in use, do dress modestly and plan your visit before the regular mass is held so that you can admire this imposing structure without serving as an unintended distraction to the parishioners. To maximise your time in Rome, you might want to allocate some time to visit the Colosseum which is only a few stops away by metro.
Piazzale San Paolo, 1, 00146 Roma RM, Italy