Milan, Italy
Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio

This thrilling basilica will keep you on your toes as you see ancient remains, relics and tombs!

A stunning model of early Romanesque architecture, the Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio is one of the oldest churches in Milan and is arguably one of the most beautiful. Holding incredible treasures of old, walking through the sacred and silent grounds of this basilica is truly a spiritual experience. Mostly built in brickwork hailing from different origins and colours, the Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio is undoubtedly a significant monument in the Milan’s cultural heritage, with its importance comparable to Milan’s Duomo (not to be confused with the one in Florence!).

The basilica is home to the tomb of the great Roman general Stiletto, and history buffs will be enthralled to know that this place remains as one of the few remaining places in Italy to successfully preserve artefacts and structures from the ancient Roman Empire. Ancient mosaics and relics adorn the interior of the church, making it one of the most hauntingly captivating churches in Italy. Stumble upon the skeletal remains of Saints Ambrose, Gervasus and Protasus in the crypt, an interesting experience to encounter in the world of Christian religiosity. Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio is an enchanting, timeless place, where even the non-religious can feel transcendence into the metaphysical.

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Tips Before You Go
The Basilica is only open on certain days for certain hours, so be sure to check its opening hours online before heading down, lest you be disappointed with a “Closed” signboard greeting your face.
Piazza Sant\'Ambrogio, 15, 20123 Milano MI, Italy