Phuket, Thailand
Banana Beach

180m of solitude and seaside wonder preserve the rustic heart of Phuket’s beach life.

The quest to find the elusive maiden of the sea on the northern shore of Phuket next to Sirinat National Park is an elusive trail. From the roads, her presence is revealed by a weathered wooden sign, hardly distinguishable against the unkempt weeds by the barbed wire fence. Through the gaping hole in the fence, one would still need to barter with the dense bamboo forests before finally being permitted into her graces. Alternatively, one can choose to ask for her by the longtails bobbing along an adjacent shore by the rarely known name of ‘Hat Hin Kluay’.

Both these options would bring you to the secluded sandy shores of Banana Beach. A bohemian paradise, it is another rarely frequented beach due to the difficulty of access involved. The fair sea maiden is at her element when the tides are lowest and the skies an unblemished blue slate spread across the horizon to fade into the glittering waters below. Snorkeling for tiny sharks, kicking your feet back for a nap under the palms, there are many ways you can immerse yourself in the tranquility of the beach. So take the time for a breather and let the waves lull you to sleep at Banana Beach.

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Tips Before You Go
At high tides, the waves can come up all the way to above the palm tree roots, displacing human visitors and animals alike. In this way, setting up on the very edges of the beach towards the north or south of the sandy strip might actually be the safest option.
Coral island Thailand