Grand'Anse Praslin, Seychelles
Anse Lazio

Meet Anse Lazio through the locals of Praslin, donning a different hat with each folktale spun about it.

What does it take to be known as one of the best beaches in the world? Maybe it starts with the postcard perfect palms leaning over, thin fronds reaching for the sand like fingers. It could be the low hanging branches of tacamahac heavy with white blossoms and fleshy fruit. Past sand that tickles your feet and warms your soles, spreads the ocean that dazzles in the brightest hues of blue. Curling white foam gives way to reefs and water so clear that each scale on the trevallies and wrasses glimmer. You might imagine walking out to mammoth structures in red granite flowing into shapes that resemble faces and animals if you let your imagination wander even further. The cherry on top of the cake would probably be a sunset that melts your heart, the vanishing rays of sunlight teasing you with illusions and mirages across the sea tinted orange.

All these reasons put together is likely why Anse Lazio is so famous. This bay found on Praslin island is found within the Seychelles archipelago. With beauty that tugs at your senses and surpasses your wildest imagination, it’s no wonder the bay is so greatly sought after.

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Tips Before You Go
If you’re already on Praslin, reaching the beach isn’t too difficult. It’s accessibly by both taxi or bus which sadly involves a 20minute walk down a slope that can be rather tiring on the return trip. There are plenty of water activities to enjoy on the beach but a word of caution would be to keep a lookout for marine life. Stingrays and jellyfish are commonly found in the sea and are generally harmless unless provoked. Their bite or sting isn’t fatal but would require medical attention regardless, cutting the trip short unnecessarily.
Anse Lazio, Seychelles