Top 1283 Museums in the world - Page 84

Gothenburg, Sweden

Volvo Museum

Many of us will have ridden in the classic Volvo motorcar before, but ironically, few of us would be able to explain anything much about the actual company itself. Learn how this iconic car manufacturer rose through the ranks and reached the level of success it enjoys today here at the Volvo Museum.

Örebro, Sweden

Wadköping Open Air Museum

A great place to experience history in the present!

Stockholm, Sweden


“After art, I think flowers are my greatest joy.” – Prince Eugene

This quote by the original owner of Waldermarsudde perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the home-turned-museum, the interior of which holds a beautiful collection of paintings, while picturesque gardens filled with flora and fauna lie just outside.

Liverpool, England

Walker Art Gallery

Appreciate famous masterpieces from the Renaissance.

Beijing, China

Wanshou Temple (萬壽寺)

A unique temple which also houses the Beijing Art Museum.

Seoul, South Korea

War Memorial of Korea

Where history teaches of the devastation caused by war.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

War Remnants Museum

A closer look into the tragedies of war.

Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Fotoplastikon

Fancy a trip to olden Warsaw?

Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Museum

Discover the history of the Warsaw Uprising.

Kraków, Poland

Wawel Castle

One of Poland’s most magnificent castles.

Rotterdam, Netherlands


Ever wondered what our past looked like? Well, Wereldmuseum in Rotterdam has the answer.

Reykjavík, Iceland

Whales of Iceland

A rearing mass of sheer power and beauty.

San Diego, United States of America

Whaley House Museum

Do not enter if you’re not prepared to come into contact with ghosts.

Sydney, Australia

White Rabbit Gallery

A 21st-century Chinese contemporary art gallery.

New Mexico, United States of America

White Sands Missile Range

A military base that exhibits some of the greatest inventions from the United States.

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